In addition to language instruction our company offers interpretation and translation services. We can meet our clients’ needs with more than seventy highly trained, reliable interpreters and special translators nationwide with several decades of experience.

We provide high quality translations for competitive prices not only in major languages (English, German) but in Ukrainian, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Slovakian, Polish, Romanian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Latin, and Swedish as well. Upon demand we can offer translation services between two foreign languages. All translations are reviewed by native language professionals for a fee.

Our services and rates (for information purposes):

  Name of service character number with spaces included/ net unit price*
1. Major languages 3,50 HUF
2. Other languages 20-50% surcharge to net unit price
3. Text review by native speaker or Hungarian professional 50% of the net price of the respective translated text
4. Certificates, and other official documents per page 5.000 HUF
5. PDF conversion, word processing 25 % surcharge on net unit price
6. Rush surcharge 20-50% surcharge on net unit price

*The prices are expressed as net unit price, the Value Added Tax is determined by the current VAT law.

The rush surcharge and the determination of the deadline depends on the size, topic, and manageability of the given document. In both cases we obtain the approval of our clients. In case of larger documents we can provide reduced prices or discounts.

The translated document will be forwarded to the client according to their demands.

Please forward the document you wish to have translated to the e-mail address either in pdf or WORD format, or bring it to any of our offices during business hours.

Our highly qualified special interpreters along with a professional technological background available both at home and abroad assist the fast and efficient communication.  We regularly provide interpretation services to conferences, official events including court hearings and administrative affairs, factory organised trainings, assembly line instructions. Our associates are ready to provide information related to our interpretation services.