The Internal and Academic Rules of the Oxford International Language Ltd. (Eger Headquarters)

OXFORD International Language School Ltd. (headquarters: 3300 Eger, Bródy S. st. 1., Tatabánya Branch: 2800 Tatabánya, Stúdium sq. 1.) – (henceforth: Language School) – tax number: 13072201-2-10, company registration number: 10-09-025527 [Registered at the Court of Heves County as Company Registry], registration number: E-000273/2014)

The primary objective of the Language School is to prepare its course participants to achieve appropriate level of language proficiency via its approved and registered training programs along with making such programs available for potential participants.

The registered programs of the Language School include the following:
General language instruction – English CEFR B2, registration number: E-000273/2014/C002,
date of registration: 16 April, 2014.
General language instruction – German CEFR B2,  registration number: E-000273/2014/C001,
date of registration: 16  April 2014.

Registration at the training programs is flexible as those interested can join currently running programs or those being launched. Registration can take place any time during opening hours. Training program related details are provided below:

1.) Lessons:

The duration of both group and individual lessons is 50 minutes with 10 minute breaks in-between. Participants of both group and individual training programs are requested to be on time at the beginning of each lesson. The times of the group lessons are pre-determined and cannot be changed. The times of individual lessons can only be modified via our client service Associates (Participants cannot discuss scheduling related issues with instructors).

2.) Language training in a group format:

  • As a general rule the Participants can register for modules or subject units within the full class number of the training programs.
  • The minimum number of group-based language training programs is 2 and the maximum number of participants is 14. The group-based training programs presently offered to the general public include 5 or 6 participants on average.
  • Upon demand we can start language training programs for smaller groups as well. (Supplement 1, Rates).
  • Furthermore, at the request of the Participant or on the recommendation of the Language School, Participant can change their enrolment into another training program offered to the general public if Participant’s progress differs from (either slower than or faster than that of other group members) the original group. Such request has to be made at the client service. If the enrolment in a given group decreases the Language School reserves the right to eliminate the respective group upon notifying the Participants and allocate Participants into another language training program commensurate to their proficiency level.

3.) Adult education services, registration:

  1. The language school offers adult education services both for language training program participants and for those NOT participating in such schemes. Accordingly, the assessment of preliminary proficiency level, the evaluation of training needs and language training consultation are free for all participants and interested parties as well.
  2. Assessment of preliminary proficiency level: Applicants to our courses (except those at absolute beginner level) are required to take a written preliminary proficiency test at the beginning of the given program, or before joining one in progress. The results of that test will determine applicant’s placement in the given training program or in case of groups, the appropriate group training level.
  3. No data provided by Participants to the Language School during registration and after (e-mail address etc.) deemed necessary for an adult training contract agreement mandated by the 2013/LXXVII Adult Education Act will be made available to unauthorized Third Parties without the consent of Participants except those warranted by the fulfilment of legal regulations.
  4. Participation in individual and/or group-based training programs is only allowed after paying the registration fee, the current monthly tuition (training fee) or the individual lesson fee.

4.) Tuition fee related to group-based training, individual language training programs and occasional lessons:

  • Following registration and the payment of the registration fee all Participants in language training programs offered to the general public can attend the first two lessons free of charge if teaching takes place in a two lesson per occasion schedule. If teaching takes place in a one lesson per occasion schedule attendance at the first lesson is free of charge. (Supplement 2 contains the respective details and exceptions).
  • Tuition fees and the registration fee if otherwise not indicated and regarding lessons held at the headquarters of the Language School are contained in Supplement 1, titled Participants pay tuition fees according to Supplement 1 titled Rates and Supplement 2, titled Fee reductions regarding registered language training programs at the OXFORD International Language School (in case of language training programs offered to the general public).
  • Participants can purchase textbooks, audio materials, dictionaries and other educational materials at an extra charge. The Rates supplement contains the prices of the Callan™ textbooks and audio materials acquired from England. The Language School reserves the right to provide price reductions indicated in Supplement 2 titled Fee reductions regarding registered language training programs at the Oxford Language School only to those Participants representing the general public who have no arrears of payment toward Oxford.
  • Tuition or training fee payment: The Language School offers the option of monthly payment to participants in courses offered to the general public.
  • Participants representing the general public pay the tuition fee according to identical number of lessons. In this case the tuition is comprised of the product of the number of lessons in a given month and its unit price as indicated in the Rates supplement, while taking into consideration the relevant potential fee reductions according to Supplement 2. The monthly tuition fee is determined by the number of the given lessons provided by the Language School and not by the number of the actual lessons the students took part in. In case of small groups Participants pay the fee indicated in the appropriate group size-specific section of the Rates In the event of additional Participants joining the group, the former pays a tuition fee determined by the size of the new group including the newly joined Participant. In this case the tuition fee is effective as of the date of joining. In the next month, the tuition fee covers the whole calendar period. If the group includes a Participant representing the business sphere, his or her lesson fee is determined according to the respective service contract or oral agreement.
  • The monthly tuition or training fees have to be paid in one amount for all training programs including the group-based, individual, or occasionally delivered individual lessons as well. The tuition or training fee has to be paid at the beginning of the given month or one business day before the first lesson of the respective training program, and at the latest, 30 minutes prior to the start of the first lesson of the month. If the payment is not made, students cannot take part in the lessons until the full monthly tuition is paid.
  • Participants starting their studies during the given month have to pay tuition proportional to the actual duration of their studies. The payment has to be made in one amount and 30 minutes prior to the first lesson at the latest. If the payment is not made students cannot participate at the lessons.
  • The reduced fee option provided by the Language school is calculated according to the Rates and the size of the given language training scheme offered to the general public.

5.) Fulfilment of responsibilities, performance:

  • Neither group-based nor individual lessons can be cancelled, and the lesson fee has to be paid even if the given lesson was not held due to the negligence of Participant and the respective tuition payment has not been made. The times of pre-determined individual lessons can be changed no later than three business days earlier of the actual lesson. Lesson change requests have to be made in person at the client service, via phone and reinforced by e-mail. Lesson time changes depend on the class schedule of the Language School and the new lesson time request has to be justified and can apply only for the actual month. (lesson time change requests cannot be made solely by text message, e-mail, or voice mail)
  • Both Participant and the Language School consider the lessons delivered even if Participant does not attend the given lesson. This applies for the following reasons: instructors representing the Service Provider prepare for the lesson, Service Provider supplies and maintains class rooms and auxiliary materials required for lesson delivery, instructors are available and present and their time had been pre-booked, and they deliver the lesson in case of group-based programs.
  • If Participant does not attend a pre-paid group-based lesson or is absent from an individually delivered regular language class, or from an occasionally delivered language lesson the Language School cannot refund the respective fee, cannot assign a new lesson, or extend the duration of the given program.
  • If a class is missed due to causes on the part of the Language School, the Language School has to provide a lesson at a later date to remedy the deficiency.
  • The tuition or training fee and the price of educational materials potentially ordered by the participant have to be paid according to the current Internal and Academic Rules and the respective Rates. Payments as a rule have to be made in cash at the Cashier’s of the Language School. (Other types of payment can only be made upon approval of the executive director). Participant acknowledges that if the tuition or training fee is not paid according to the requirements of the Internal and Academic Rules, or the payment is only made in part, or payment is late, or not made at all, then the Language School can exclude the Participant from its program. The payment of tuition or the transaction fee for the acquisition of educational materials is considered completed when the respective amount is paid at the Cashier’s of the Language School, or its bank account is credited.
  • The Language School operates a monthly accounting concerning the services provided in the given calendar month. Pursuant to section 58 of the 2007/CXXVII Law on Value Added Tax the fees are calculated on a monthly basis for each calendar month. Accounts are also settled on a monthly basis commensurate to the respective task fulfilment in the given month. According to point 4 of the Internal and Academic Rules, the Language School provides the option of monthly payment.

6.) Potential changes and modifications

The Language School reserves the right to change the time, venue, and didactic approach of the given lesson upon notifying Participants concerning the new time and location.

7.) Suspension or cancelling of studies:

If a Participant wishes to suspend his or her studies in a given training program or cancel their enrolment, the Associate of the client service has to be notified in writing no later than one calendar week before the date of the last lesson of the month pertaining to the given training program. In case of defaulting on this obligation Participant has to pay the full training fee for the following month.

8.) Purchase of educational materials:

During business hours Callan™ language textbooks, other educational materials, audio-materials, and dictionaries are available at the client service of the Language School. If the desired item is not available at present, the Language School will provide help for its acquisition. The Language School acquires educational materials warranted by the Callan™ method from England. The respective items (textbooks, audio materials, and dictionaries) are considered the property of the OXFORD International Language School Ltd. until the price is paid in cash or credited to the bank account via transfer.

9.) We would like to inform all participants that any photocopying or multiplication of books, glossaries, audio materials and other educational support materials provided by or available by purchase from the Language School is prohibited without previous written consent from the respective authors. Such acts are considered illegal, violate copyright laws, and warrant compensation for damages under the Civil Code

10.) Any equipment, object, or material owned by the Language School can only be used according to their original purpose, while the buildings, classrooms, and other facilities have to be protected from damage, and must be kept in clean and sound condition. Any damage caused by Participant has to be immediately reported to the Associate at the client service. The Language School must be fully compensated for the given damage by Participant and Participant must actively contribute to the respective damage control process.

11.) Students and instructors must leave the classroom after the end of the given lesson so that the next group or participant can start their lesson on time.

12.) We ask all participants to become familiar with the escape routes posted for the event of emergency or fire!

13.) Smoking on the premises is regulated by the contemporary legal regulations, presently it is governed by Section 11 of the 39/2013 (II.14) Government decree.

14.) In case of any problem, observation, or suggestion the Associate at the client service must be contacted.

15.) The Language School reserves the right to modify or amend the Internal and Academic Rules any time if the new Rules are made available at the announcement and information board of the Language School. The present Internal and Academic Rules have been effective since 1 September, 2014. Upon registration participants consider themselves bound by the Internal and Academic Rules in all cases.

16.) Although in case of occasional agreements or contracts digressions can be made from the present Internal and Academic Rules, the Internal and Academic Rules are applicable to all occasional agreements and contracts not included or not fully treated by such document.

We wish our Participants a successful learning experience in a relaxed atmosphere! One indication of our success is the high rate of students passing their language examination at first try and the 100% scores achieved at language exams. Our commitment to language teaching at OXFORD quality along with being the first to deploy the exceptionally effective Callan™ method in Hungary can enable our Participants not only to save time and money, but to achieve a desired level language proficiency engraved into the long-term memory!

Eger, 1 September, 2014.